Where do you live? In mummy and daddy's house.
What is your favourite food? I love yummy chips, they are my favourite.
What is your least favourite food? Ewwwww!!!!! vegetables are yuck! I like Pa's carrots though.
What is your favourite colour? Pink
What is your favourite pastime? I like cuddling with my teddies and playing outside in the sand pit and moving the sand all around our backyard (I bet mummy and daddy love it too lol!)
Do you have any pets, Jorja? We have a boy dog named Jackson, but he also answers to Buddy and Boofy! (Oh! what a clever dog)
Who is your favourite person and why? Daddy, because I like when he takes me in the tractors with him when he is working.
What is your favourite joke or riddle? Knock! Knock! (who's there?) Kyra!!! my little sister!! (hahaha! I love it)
What is your favourite 1 Puddle Lane outfit and why? My Lime Hummingbird dress because it is my very favourite and I love wearing dresses.
And last question Jorja. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Pink Doctor! And I like to give people checkups. (wow! what a clever girl you are)
Thank you Jorja for letting me interview you and finding out a bit more about you. I think you are going to make a great Pink Doctor when you grow up.
Next week I'll be interviewing Jorja's little sister Kyra and you won't believe what she wants to be when she grows up.
If you would like your daughter to be in a Happy Customer Interview, please email 1puddlelane@gmail.com
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